Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beauty regimen and buying rules

Well, as I started giving this some more thought, I decided that some background information, details about my beauty regimen, buying habits, etc. would be helpful in helping me analyze my fashion.

Background - I am an Indian American (not to be confused with American Indian), meaning I was born in India and migrated to the US when I was a little girl. I am in my 40s, am married with 2 children.  I work at home as an independent Medical Writer or Clinical Project Manager (basically work for pharmaceutical companies).

Beauty Regimen - I use proactiv since I've had acne for a long time now and always seem to be battling breakouts.  Other than that, I am not very regular about getting hair colors, hair cuts,  facials, manicures, pedicures; hec, I don't even take the time to moisturize problem rough areas before going to bed every night.  It has been well over 2 months since my last color and cut, there are gray roots about 2 inches long showing all along my hairline, my nails badly need some maintenance and my heels really need to be filed.  I do get laser hair removal, well, because it is a necessity for an Indian woman!

My Closet - is full of clothes that I've mostly bought on sale.  I hate spending more than about $15 for a piece of clothing, $10 for a belt, $20 for shoes, $5 for other accessories.  Does that sound like I am cheap?  Well, I take pride in it.  I love finding things that fit well for a steal.  This summer, I bought about 6 dresses at Target that cost me less than $10 each and fit me perfectly!

I am hoping that the fashion diet will help me realize that I can put together lots of great outfits without having to buy more; have softer skin, more stylized hair and nails without running to the salon more often and keep my figure in great shape since I want the first two to look great.

Here are some things I want to do every day:
- Brush my hair and teeth 3 times.  Brush my teeth with whitening enhancer one of those 3 times.
- moisturize my entire body
- create the outfit for the following day complete with jewelry selection and shoes
- Do a load of laundry and iron.

Weekly, I will:
- File my nails
- Paint my nails
- Use nose strips to remove blackheads
- Apply masque to my face
- Exfoliate my entire body with besan and yogurt

Monthly, I will:
- Get my hair colored & cut
- Buy one new outfit for a social occasion

I can't think of anything else at the moment and the bus is almost here!...More later.

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