Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I am not what you would call, "into fashion" but I do like to dabble a little bit.  Okay, so I have some hits when it comes to fashion and a LOT of misses.  On days like today, when I went to the grocery store wearing pink tennis shorts (which are about 10 years old and have the grease spots to show for it) paired with a dingy white reebok tee, I am definitely missing the mark. I am reminded of the day many years ago when I was probably wearing something equally unattractive.  I was making the usual run to the grocery store see, when my 3 year old daughter innocently asked, "Mommy, do you think you look pretty?"  Well, I am known to admire my reflection in the mirror more often than I'd like to admit so I answered, "Yes, sweetie, I think I look pretty." 
Without missing a step, my Sweetie replied, "No you don't Mommy, you are not wearing pretty clothes and girls should always wear nice clothes!"

Well, that wake up call should have been enough, but sadly, no.  Fashion is like dieting, I seem to do really well for a few days when I am motivated and then fall back into old bad habits before I even know it.  Since this is going to be a lot like dieting, I have decided to keep a log of what I wear so that I can justify how great I look or hang my head in shame.  Just like keeping a diary of the foods I eat everyday when I am on a diet, I am going to log what I wear everyday.

It is almost time make myself pretty for the school bus stop!  I'll let you know what I wore and if I can figure it out, even post a pic.  Wish me luck, hope I look as pretty as I think I do.

I hope I can keep up the fashion diet longer than I stick to those other diets!

1 comment:

  1. a very good idea. Maybe I can steal some of your fashion sense this way! :)
