Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why not a woman cave???

You know, men have been talking about "man caves" for a long time now.  I think there is even an HGTV show called Man Caves so why don't women have caves?  I have always, NEEDED an exclusive space to myself.  In the beginning, when my parents lived in a huge British style bungalow in a corner of India, I would sneak out in the mornings to rest my face on the cool stone columns of our front porch or climb the guava tree in my grandma's garden to get away from it all.  Though I never really shared a bedroom with anyone as a child, locking myself in my own room was not enough. I HAD TO GET AWAY OUTDOORS!

The need to get away has intensified tenfold in my adult life, no space in the house will do since I always feel like cleaning it up or can't be sure that someone wont burst in on me.  My tree climbing days are over and I am never quite sure where I could go. The home office is too much of a public space.  My master bedroom door does not lock and as a result kids run through the master suite like it is a secondary playground. I've tried converting my closet into an office space thinking it would be more private than my bedroom but I just end up wanting to clean and organize.  I've tried pretty much every other space in the house, the kitchen, the guest bedroom, the breakfast table, and on and on.

I try outside, the deck is too easily seen from my kitchen, my yard feels wide open, not enough nooks or comfy hiding spaces to get away there. My house, not sufficient.  What is a woman to do?

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